Quantitative and qualitative studies
Get to know your markets and consumers in depth and detail in order to make efficient decisions, win over and retain customers and maximise sales and results.
We conduct diverse market research studies, leveraging both secondary and primary data, to characterize, evaluate, forecast, and inform decision-making.
We use data collection techniques and technologies and data analysis methodologies that can go as far as estimating utility functions for constructing individual demands and determining offers.
Qualitative research
- Text, discourse and content analysis
- Individual interviews
- Focus Groups
- Behavioural observations
- Contextual interviews
Quantitative research
- Secondary data analysis
- Behavioural counts
- Surveys
- Longitudinal panels
- Experimental research
- Impact studies
- Localisation studies
- Opinion surveys
Analysis methodologies
- Cross-tabulation
- Cluster analysis
- Cohort analysis
- Factor / component analysis
- Joint analysis and MaxDiff
- TURF analysis
- GAP analysis
Do you want to know more about our services? Contact us!
Contact us so we can offer you a suitable solution.
Avenida General Norton de Matos, nº 104, 4º A 4700-387, Braga Portugal
Monday to Friday: 9:00 – 18:00
+351 253 065 749